Custom Art

Get In Touch To Chat About A Special Painting Created Especially For You!

" Crafting timeless, museum-quality original art is my passion. Each commission is a unique creation, working 'in the style of' my existing collection and within a chosen color scheme. With professional-grade paints and mediums, I build layers to ensure lasting beauty for generations.

Your commissioned piece is a personalized journey, with periodic updates sent as it nears completion. Please allow 3 to 5 months, as the intricate layering process demands time. A non-refundable 50% deposit initiates the work.

Eager to create something special for you! If interested in a custom abstract painting on canvas, let's chat. Fill out the form or reach me here via CONTACT ME. I'm excited to discuss your space and bring your vision to life—perhaps even on a video call to see where my art finds its forever home!” ❤️