Memorialize Your Important Events with Art

Adversity in life is a constant. Life is not fair; no one is guaranteed a perfect life. Each person will find themselves with personal challenges that not only mold their character, it creates stages in life. Like Pablo Picasso who had his blue stage while in France. The one thing Picasso had going for him that many do not, was the ability to reflect what he felt in art.

Art is therapeutic. Many hospitals across America (especially children’s hospitals) have a visiting artist program. This is when artists come in to either help the patient express what they feel with art, or to just draw the patient, which always garners a smile.


I recently read an article from the New York Times titled, Experiences with Cancer, Captured in Works of Art, by Susan Guber. A fascinating piece on how artists were paired with cancer patients, so they could help them express their pain. The artists interviewed the patients and then put on their creative hats. One piece showcased in the article was profound. I recommend reading the article.

This led me to ask, “Why must a person be facing mortality to have their experience reflected in art? Why not for any stage in life?”

Imagine if whenever you had milestone event in life, the birth of a child, true love, grieving, aha moments or anything meaningful that it were recording with an original work of art? Whether it be a painting, sculpture, abstract works, photography, poetry, whatever best expresses the joy, love or sadness. Imagine recording all those life moments in color and shape. What would your collection look like? What heirlooms may you create? What conversations may be sparked that add to the celebration or healing? What will your children remember when you leave it to them?


Art is communication in color and shape. What a beautiful world it would be if the creative gene in all of us were able to express itself and fill the world with amazing art? But if you feel you don’t have a creative bone in your body (as many people say, but I would debate it), find an artist to memorialize those key moments in your life. I believe you will find it time and money well spent.


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